Staff and specialities

Professor: Yoshihiro TAKEUCHI     
    Pediatric Neurology, Develpomental Biology, Epileptology 
Associate Professor: Tomoyuki TAKANO    
    Pediatric Neurology 
Associate Professor: Takashi TAGA 
    Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
Associate Professor: Yoshihiro MARUO 
    Endocrinology and Metabolism
Senior Assistant Professor: Shigeki KOSHIDA  
Assistant Professor: Katsuyuki MATSUI 
    Endocrinology and Metabolism
Assistant Professor: Toshihiro SAWAI 
    Pediatric Nephrology
Assistant Professor: Takahide YANAGI 
Assistant Professor: Chihiro SAWAI
    Developmental Disorders
Assistant Professor: Yuko SAKAUE
    Developmental Disorders
Assistant Professor: Seiichiro YOSHIOKA 
    Pediatric Neurology
Assistant Professor: Junpei SOUMURA 
    Pediatric Cardiology
Assistant Professor: Ohki FURUKAWA
    Pediatric Cardiology
Assistant Professor: Sayuri NAKAHARA
Assistant Professor: Akitaka NOMURA
    Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
Assistant Professor: Noriko NISHIKURA
    Pediatric Neurology

Outline of the department

1) Neurology Group:    
   Our research work has been focused on the following subjects: pathogenesis of
   CNS malformations, neuronal plasticity after CNS damage, metabolic basis of 
   neurodegenarative disorders, and seizure susceptibility in malformed brains. 
   Seizure disorders, motor neuron diseases and developmental disorders including 
   ADHD (attention deficit / hyperactivity disorders) are also clinically 
2) Endocrinology and Metabolism Group:     
   Gene abnormalities in congenital metabolic disorders are investigated using 
   molecular biology techniques. The enzymes related to drug metabolism and SNPs
   on Gilbert's syndrome among Japanese are also investigated.  
3) Hematology and Oncology Group:    
   Acute lymphoblastic and myeloblastic leukemias in childhood are treated with 
   CCLSG (Children Cancer Leukemia Study Group) protocols using MRD (Minimum 
   residual disease) assay. For children suffering refractory leukemias, solid 
   tumors including neuroblastoma, Ewing's tumor, brain tumors and so on, or 
   severe aplastic anemias are treated with alloBMT(bone marrow transplantation), 
   auto/allo PBSCT or allo CBSCT(Cord Blood Stem Cell Transplantation). 
   Hemophlias are also treated with supplement therapy of coagulation factor. 
   Basic research on childhood malignant neoplasms has been conducted. Especially 
   phenotypic study on malignant rhabdoid tumor are investigated. 
4) Cardiology Group:     
   The etiology and morphogenesis of congenital heart diseases are investigated 
   using experimental models with immunohistochemical and molecular biology 
   technique. The development of coronary arteries is also studied comparing the 
   normal and malformed heart. Interventional catheterization, including balloon 
   valvuloplasty, angioplasty and coil embolization, is performed on the patients 
   with pre- and post-operative congenital heart disease. Respiratory management 
   with nitrogen gas is provided to the patients with serious congenital heart 
   disease before cardiac surgery in order to control the pulmonary blood flow. 
5) Neonatology Group:    
   We have a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and accommodate the premature 
   baby and the high risk newborn baby of the most serious illness of the area by 
   the 24-hour system. We are managing the neonatal bed availability information 
   system with FAX and the Internet, which cooperated with Shiga Prefecture as 
   the member of Shiga Neonatal Mutual Cooperating Group (NMCG). We are doing NO 
   (nitric oxide) inhalation therapy as the advanced medical care to newborn baby 
   with persistent pulmonary hypertension of newborn. As the member of Neonatal 
   Research Network Japan (NRN), we develop and are managing the nationwide 
   newborn baby clinical research support system using the Internet. 
6) Allergy Group:    
   Asthma, atopic dermatitis and food allergy are treated. 
7) Nephrology Group:    
   Various childhood renal diseases are treated and renal biopsy is routinely 