Staff and specialities
Professor: Yoshitaka MATSUSUE
Knee surgery and sports medicine
Associate Professor: Shinji IMAI
Associate Professor: Taku KAWASAKI
Associate Professor: Kanji MORI
Assistant Professor: Narihito KODAMA
Assistant Professor: Mitsuhiko KUBO
Assistant Professor: Kazuhiro UENAKA
Assistant Professor: Tomohiro MIMURA
Assistant Professor: Toshiyuki KASAHARA
Assistant Professor: Kazuya NISHIZAWA
Assistant Professor: Suguru SHIOJI
Assistant Professoe: Kousuke KUMAGAI
Outline of the department
Our motto is to provide each patient with the most suitable therapy by taking advantage of our enriched clinical experiences as well as taking standpoint of the patient into account. We undertake not only surgery but also integrated therapeutic modalities including conservative treatment.
Please do not feel reluctant to inquire at our outdoor patient unit. Our expertise covers pain and injury of the joints such as knee injury. We also treat various other sports injuries, trauma, and disability due to hip and knee joint deformation.We have performed more than 2000 arthroscopic surgeries, the advantage of which is known for its minimal invasiveness, to the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, meniscus repair and osteoarthritis.
As regards the artificial joint replacement, we perform arthroplasty without transfusion, particularly in cases of the knee joint. Thus, the arthroplasty has become accessible to elderly patients as long as the patients’ general health is in good shape.
In turn, since articular cartilage possesses least potential for spontaneous repair, cartilage injury may develop into consecutive joint deformity with resultant pain.For such cartilage injuries, Professor Matsusue, the chairman of the department, has reported arthroscopic osteochondral grafting, or Mosaic plasty, for the first time in the English literature.
Our clinical results on the osteochondral grafting reaches the world standards and we take the leadership of this particular field in Japan. Orthopaedic surgery deals with a wide range of locomotive organs of the extremities and the spine. It covers disorders of the vertebrae and spinal cords, rheumatic diseases, peripheral nerve injuries, disorders of upper extremities, degenerative diseases like osteoarthritis, sports injuries, tumors of bone and soft tissue, traumatic disorders including fracture and dislocation. Orthopaedic surgery undertakes integrated therapeutic modalities for the locomotive organs, and its therapeutic modalities range from the conservative treatment to the surgeries.
The world health organization has designated the beginning of the 21st century as “the decade of bone and joint” in order to propagate its importance. The worldwide elongation of longevity has raised attention to improvement of the quality of life.Here, we always keep it in mind to understand the standpoint of the patient so as to overcome the impairments of as many patients as possible.
To this end, our department provides qualified specialists equipped with necessary skill and knowledge for coping with the intensifying demands for supports injuries, disorders of joint and spine.
In parallel to the providing of the highly advanced therapy in this field, we also do our best in order to contribute to the local medicine, including emergency medicine, as one of the core hospitals of the Shiga prefecture.We undertake not only surgery but also integrated therapeutic modalities including the conservative treatment in order to cope with a wide variety of cases.