Staff and specialities
Professor: Kiyoshi MURATA
Chest radiology, High-resolution CT, Lung cancer diagnosis,
Diagnosis of diffuse lung disease
Associate Professor: Masashi TAKAHASHI
Chest radiology, High-resolution CT, Lung cancer diagnosis,
Diagnosis of diffuse lung disease
Associate Professor: Ryuta ITOH
Neuroradiology, MR imaging
Associate Professor: Norihisa NITTA
Chest radiology, Interventional radiology
Associate Professor: Shinichi OHTA
Abdominal radiology, Interventional radiology
Assistant Professor: Hitoshi KITAHARA
General radiology, MR imaging
Assistant Professor: Naoaki KOHNO
Radiation oncology, Interventional radiology
Assistant Professor: Yukihiro NAGATANI
Chest radiology, cardiac radiology
Assistant Professor: Hideji OTANI
Chest radiology
Assistant Professor: Takuya TSUGAWA
Radiation oncology
Assistant Professor: Keiko TSUCHIYA
Breast imaging
Assistant Professor: Akinaga SONODA (abroad)
Outline of the department
The Department of Radiology(Radiology Service) consists of three divisions of
diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine, and radiation oncology. These
divisions are, however, united in our department in order to use a variety of
radiological tools effectively for the diagnosis and treatment of the
patients. With this system, the department has become a unique complex of
diagnostic imaging and radiation oncology.
In the field of diagnostic radiology, high quality of radiology reports are
provided using up-to-date imaging modalities such as multi-row detector CT,
MR, ultrasound, and radionuclide imaging as well as conventional X-ray
images. Additionally, various interventional radiology techniques such as
transarterial tumor embolization and vascular plasty or stenting are performed
for the relief of the symptoms of the patients. In the field of radiation
oncology, high quality of radiation therapy combined with chemotherapy or
immunotherpy are performed in the patients with malignant tumors, and a new
technique of stereotactic radiation therapy is also applied in selective cases.
The main research projects in the department are as follws.
1) Experimental and clinical researches in neuroradiology
Evaluation of perfusion, diffusion of the brain in various diseases with MR
imaging and spectroscopy is one of the topics.
2) Basic and clinical research projects in chest radiology
A correlative study of high-resolution CT of the lung and pathological
specimen in diffuse lung diseases and lung cancer is performed. Three-
dimensional and dynamic evaluation with MDCT and MR imaging is another topic.
3) Clinical research projects in abdominal radiology
Three-dimensional and dynamic evaluation of liver tumors is performed for the
development of more accurate diagnosis of these tumors. In addition, the
development of new techniques in the field of interventional radiology is
another important research project.
4) Basic and clinical research projects in skeletal radiology
A detailed three-dimensional morphological study of the bone using micro CT is
performed. A basic study for elucidation of the mechanism of the fracture of
the osteoporotic bone is another research project.
5) Experimental and clinical research projects in radiation oncology
Experimental research regarding the effect of radiation and clinical study for
the development of improved radiation techniques in patients with uterine
cervical cancer are research projects.