Staff and specialities

Director, Professor:  Hiroyuki SUGIHARA

Outline of the department

The Center of Anatomical Science consists of three divisions:
normal anatomy,  pathology and legal medicine,
which deals with practicalaffairs relating to the anatomical sciences. 

1. The normal anatomy division engages in receiving of cadavers and the
   antiseptic treatment, storage and care of them, and preparation of macro-
   and microscopic specimens used in medical education.
2. The pathology division conducts autopsies of deceased patients from the
   university hospital and affiliated hospitals, determining the cause of death.
   The division also prepares and stores diceased organs for medical 
3. The legal medicine division carries out forensic autopsies and
   investigations at the request of authorities. These procedures are
   conducted, for example, to determine a person's identity and cause
   of death, and the postmortem period in cases involving violence and/or
   uncertain cause of death.