Staff and specialities

Assoiciate Chief, Professor: Kenichi MITSUNAMI

Outline of the department

This department provides primary care and medical education intending to 
contribute greatly to patient-centered medical services. It had originally 
three divisions: Comprehensive Care, Regional Network for Medical Information, 
and Integrated Care, but it is now practically functioning as consisting of 
the following four divisions: 
1) The Division of General Internal Medicine is dedicated to improving patient 
   care, education, and research in primary care and general internal medicine.
2) The Division of Family Practice provides continuing and comprehensive health 
   care for the individual and the family.
3) The Division of Community Health, Medicine and Welfare provides intimate 
   coordination among facilities and resources for health, medicine, and welfare 
   of the community. For this purpose, this division plays a leading part in the 
   management of both the Office of Community Medical Collaboration and the 
   Center of Educational Research on Medicine and Welfare.
4) The Division of Continuous Nursing gives patients advice on nursing, 
   health, and welfare after discharge from the hospital and may offer in-home 
   nursing advice through the telemedicine devices on demand.

The main fields of research in this department include evidence-based 
medicine, medical decision making, clinical ethics, interdisciplinary 
collaboration for hearth and welfare services, telemedicine, medical education,
and multidisciplinary education for various health care providers.