Staff and specialities

Chief, Professor:  Kazuhiko NOZAKI
Assoiciate Chief, Senior Assistant Professor:  Shinichi ARAKI

Outline of the department

The main management responsibilities of this department are
1) to store and maintain the patients' medical records,
2) to deliver these records to clinics when necessary for 
   examinations and treatment,
3) to make these records available to the medical personnel upon request.

A basic policy of this department is that each outpatient shall have only 
one outpatient medical record and chart even when he or she visits several 
clinics, and each in-patient shall have only one in-patient record and chart 
for use with each admission. Following in-patient's discharge, all medical 
records concerning the patient are gathered and sent to us. These records 
are then organized and complied into a single medical record and chart with 
a discharge summary, and kept at the department.