2012年図書館購入外国雑誌(電子ジャーナル)リスト <利用可>
No. ISSN 雑誌名 出版社 備考
1 1076-6332 Academic radiology Elsevier  
2 0001-5172 Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica with Suppl. Wiley-Blackwell  
3 0001-6268 Acta Neurochirurgica & Suppl. Springer  
4 0001-6322 Acta Neuropathologica Springer  
5 0001-6489 Acta Oto-Laryngologica & Suppl Informa Healthcare  
6 0001-6918 Acta psychologica Elsevier  
7 0284-1851 Acta Radiologica & Suppl Royal Society of Medicine  
8 0269-9370 AIDS LWW  
9 0361-803X AJR: American Journal of Roentgenology The society  
10 0002-8703 American Heart Journal Elsevier  
11 0002-9149 American Journal of Cardiology Elsevier  
12 0002-9165 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition The society 講座購入
13 0002-9262 American Journal of Epidemiology Oxford  
14 0002-9270 American Journal of Gastroenterology NPG  
15 0272-6386 American Journal of Kidney Diseases Elsevier  
16 0002-9343 American Journal of Medicine Elsevier  
17 0195-6108 American Journal of Neuroradiology : AJNR (include online) The society 講座購入
18 0002-9378 American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Elsevier  
19 0002-9394 American Journal of Ophthalmology Elsevier  
20 0196-0709 American Journal of Otolaryngology Elsevier  
21 0002-9440 American Journal of Pathology  Elsevier  
22 0193-1857 American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology The society  
23 0363-6135 American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology The society  
24 1040-0605 American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology The society  
25 0090-0036 American Journal of Public Health The society  
26 1073-449X American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine The society  
27 1945-8924 American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy OceanSide Publications  
28 0363-5465 American Journal of Sports Medicine Sage 講座購入
29 0002-9610 American Journal of Surgery Elsevier  
30 0147-5185 American Journal of Surgical Pathology LWW  
31 0003-3022 Anaesthesiology LWW  
32 0003-2697 Analytical Biochemistry Elsevier  
33 0003-2999 Anesthesia and Analgesia LWW  
34 0003-4819 Annals of Internal Medicine The society  
35 0364-5134 Annals of Neurology Wiley-Blackwell  
36 0923-7534 Annals of Oncology Oxford  
37 0003-4894 Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology Annals Pub  
38 0003-4932 Annals of Surgery LWW  
39 0147-006X Annual Review of Neuroscience Annual Reviews  
40 0003-9861 Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics Elsevier  
41 0340-3696 Archives of Dermatological Research Springer  
42 0003-987X Archives of Dermatology AMA  
43 0003-990X Archives of General Psychiatry AMA  
44 0003-9926 Archives of Internal Medicine AMA  
45 0003-9942 Archives of Neurology AMA  
46 0003-9950 Archives of Ophthalmology  AMA  
47 0886-4470 Archives of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery AMA  
48 1072-4710 Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine AMA  
49 0004-0010 Archives of Surgery AMA  
50 0304-8608 Archives of Virology Springer  
51 1079-5642 Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology LWW  
52 0004-3591 Arthritis and Rheumatism Wiley-Blackwell  
53 0021-9150 Atherosclerosis Elsevier  
54 1566-0702 Autonomic Neuroscience Elsevier  
55 0006-291X BBRC: Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications Elsevier  
56 0006-2960 Biochemistry ACS  
57 1874-9399 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (Gene Regulatory Mechanisms) Elsevier  
58 1570-9639 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (Proteins and Proteomics) Elsevier  
59 0006-3223 Biological Psychiatry Elsevier  
60 1470-0328 BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Wiley-Blackwell  
61 0959-8146 BMJ: British Medical Journal (Print+Online ) BMJ  
62 0006-8950 Brain Oxford  
63 0278-2626 Brain and cognition Elsevier  
64 0006-8993 Brain Research (incl.Brain Res Rev. .) Elsevier  
65 0007-0912 British Journal of Anaesthesia Oxford  
66 0007-0920 British Journal of Cancer NPG  
67 0007-1188 British Journal of Pharmacology & Suppl Wiley-Blackwell  
68 0007-1250 British Journal of Psychiatry Royal College of Psychiatrists  
69 0007-1285 British Journal of Radiology The society  
70 0007-1323 British Journal of Surgery Wiley-Blackwell  
71 0832-610X Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia Springer  
72 0008-543X Cancer Wiley-Blackwell  
73 1535-6108 Cancer Cell Cell Press  
74 0304-3835 Cancer Letters Elsevier  
75 0008-5472 Cancer Research  HighWire(AACR)  
76 0143-3334 Carcinogenesis Oxford  
77 0092-8674 Cell Cell Press 発行後1年はPrintのみ
78 1550-4131 Cell Metabolism Cell Press  
79 0012-3692 Chest The society  
80 0256-7040 Child's Nervous System Springer  
81 0009-7322 Circulation LWW  
82 0009-7330 Circulation Research LWW  
83 1941-3149 Circulation:Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology LWW 講座購入
84 1078-0432 Clinical Cancer Research  HighWire(AACR)  
85 0899-7071 Clinical Imaging Elsevier  
86 0009-921X Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research Springer  
87 0009-9260 Clinical Radiology Elsevier  
88 0010-0277 Cognition Elsevier  
89 1866-9956 Cognitive computation Springer  
90 1612-4782 Cognitive processing Springer  
91 1389-0417 Cognitive Systems Research Elsevier  
92 1546-4261 Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds Wiley-Blackwell  
93 0169-2607 Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Elsevier  
94 0105-1873 Contact Dermatitis Wiley-Blackwell  
95 1541-2555 COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease  Informa Healthcare   
96 0090-3493 Critical Care Medicine LWW  
97 0955-0674 Current Opinion in Cell Biology Elsevier  
98 0952-7915 Current Opinion in Immunology Elsevier  
99 1046-1310 Current psychology Springer  
100 1018-8665 Dermatology Karger  
101 0950-1991 Development Co.Biologist  
102 0012-1797 Diabetes The society  
103 0149-5992 Diabetes Care ADA(HighWire)  
104 0012-186X Diabetologia Springer  
105 0163-2116 Digestive Diseases and Sciences Springer  
106 0090-9556 Drug Metabolism and Disposition (include online) The society 講座購入
107 1040-726X Educational psychology review Springer  
108 0261-4189 EMBO Journal NPG  
109 1469-221X EMBO Reports NPG  
110 1080-6040 Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal National Center for Infectious diseases Free
111 0013-7227 Endocrinology The society  
112 0013-9580 Epilepsia Wiley-Blackwell  
113 0014-0139 Ergonomics Taylor & Francis  
114 0937-4477 European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Springer  
115 0195-668X European Heart Journal Oxford  
116 0265-0215 European Journal of Anaesthesiology LWW  
117 0959-8049 European Journal of Cancer Elsevier  
118 0953-816X European Journal of Neuroscience Wiley-Blackwell  
119 0014-2999 European Journal of Pharmacology Elsevier  
120 0720-048X European Journal of Radiology Elsevier  
121 0903-1936 European Respiratory Journal European Respiratory Society  
122 0014-4819 Experimental brain research Springer  
123 0014-4827 Experimental Cell Research Elsevier  
124 0014-4886 Experimental Neurology Elsevier  
125 0014-5793 FEBS Letters Elsevier  
126 0015-0282 Fertility and Sterility Elsevier  
127 0016-5085 Gastroenterology Elsevier  
128 0016-5107 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Elsevier  
129 0890-9369 Genes & Development The society  
130 1045-2257 Genes chromosomes and cancer Wiley  
131 0017-5749 Gut BMJ  
132 0090-8258 Gynecologic Oncology Elsevier  
133 0378-5955 Hearing Research Elsevier  
134 1547-5271 Heart Rhythm Elsevier  
135 1098-3511 Heart Surgery Forum (include online) CarbonJennings 講座購入
136 0964-6906 Human Molecular Genetics Oxford  
137 0046-8177 Human Pathology Elsevier  
138 0268-1161 Human Reproduction Oxford  
139 0194-911X Hypertension LWW  
140 1074-7613 Immunity Cell Press  
141 1078-0998 Inflammatory Bowel Disease Wiley-Blackwell  
142 1556-9845 Innovations LWW 講座購入
143 0342-4642 Intensive Care Medicine Springer  
144 0920-5691 International Journal of Computer Vision Springer  
145 0300-5771 International Journal of Epidemiology Oxford  
146 1386-5056 International Journal of Medical Informatics Elsevier  
147 0901-5027 International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Elsevier  
148 0360-3016 International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Elsevier  
149 0098-7484 JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association AMA  
150 0309-2402 Journal of Advanced Nursing Wiley-Blackwell  
151 0165-0327 Journal of Affective Disorders Elsevier  
152 0091-6749 Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Elsevier  
153 0887-6185 Journal of Anxiety Disorders Elsevier  
154 0883-5403 Journal of Arthroplasty Elsevier  
155 0021-9258 Journal of Biological Chemistry ASBMB  
156 0021-9355 Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Am.vol. JBJS  
157 0301-620X Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Br.vol. JBJS 講座購入
158 1053-0770 Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia Elsevier  
159 1045-3873 Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology Wiley-Blackwell 講座購入
160 0160-2446 Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology & Suppl LWW  
161 0952-8180 Journal of Clinical Anesthesia Elsevier  
162 0021-9738 Journal of Clinical Investigation The society  
163 0732-183X Journal of Clinical Oncology  The society  
164 0160-6689 Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Physicians Postgraduate Press  
165 0737-0016 Journal of Community Health Nursing Taylor & Francis  
166 0363-8715 Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography LWW  
167 1095-0680 Journal of ECT LWW  
168 0892-7790 Journal of Endourology Mary Ann Liebert 講座購入
169 0022-1007 Journal of Experimental Medicine RockfellerUP    
170 0944-1174 Journal of Gastroenterology Springer  
171 0022-1317 Journal of General Virology Society for General Microbiology  
172 1753-1934 Journal of Hand Surgery: Eur Vol. Sage 講座購入
173 0363-5023 Journal of Hand Surgery:Am. Vol. Elsevier  
174 1389-4978 Journal of happiness studies Springer  
175 0966-8519 Journal of Heart Valve Disease ICR pub 講座購入
176 0195-6701 Journal of Hospital Infection Elsevier  
177 0263-6352 Journal of Hypertension LWW  
178 0022-202X Journal of Investigative Dermatology & Suppl NPG  
179 1090-7807 Journal of Magnetic Resonance Elsevier  
180 1053-1807 Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Wiley-Blackwell 講座購入
181 0022-3042 Journal of Neurochemistry Wiley-Blackwell 講座購入
182 0022-3069 Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology LWW  
183 0270-6474 Journal of Neuroscience The society  
184 0022-3085 Journal of Neurosurgery AANS 講座購入
185 0191-5886 Journal of nonverbal behavior Springer  
186 1527-6546 Journal of Nursing Scholarship Wiley-Blackwell  
187 0278-2391 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Elsevier  
188 0022-3263 Journal of Organic Chemistry ACS  
189 0022-3417 Journal of Pathology Wiley-Blackwell 講座購入
190 0022-3468 Journal of Pediatric Surgery Elsevier  
191 0022-3476 Journal of Pediatrics Elsevier  
192 0022-3751 Journal of Physiology Wiley-Blackwell  
193 1535-3893 Journal of Proteome Research ACS  
194 0090-6905 Journal of psycholinguistic research Springer  
195 1863-2483 Journal of Robotic Surgery Springer  
196 1058-2746 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Elsevier  
197 1536-0652 Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques LWW 講座購入
198 0190-9622 Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology Elsevier  
199 0002-7863 Journal of the American Chemical Society ACS  
200 0735-1097 Journal of the American College of Cardiology Elsevier  
201 0022-5193 Journal of Theoretical Biology Elsevier  
202 0022-5223 Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Elsevier  
203 0022-5347 Journal of Urology Elsevier  
204 1051-0443 Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology : JVIR Elsevier  
205 0741-5214 Journal of Vascular Surgery Elsevier  
206 0085-2538 Kidney International & Suppl NPG  
207 0023-6772 Laboratory Animals (include online) RSMP 講座購入
208 0140-6736 Lancet Elsevier  
209 1473-3099 Lancet Infectious Diseases Elsevier  
210 1474-4422 Lancet Neurology Elsevier  
211 1470-2045 Lancet Oncology Elsevier  
212 0023-852X Laryngoscope Wiley-Blackwell  
213 0145-2126 Leukemia Research Elsevier  
214 0730-725X Magnetic Resonance Imaging Elsevier  
215 0740-3194 Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Wiley-Blackwell  
216 0266-6138 Midwifery Elsevier  
217 0893-3952 Modern Pathology NPG  
218 0270-7306 Molecular and Cellular Biology American Society for Microbiology  
219  1536-1632  Molecular Imaging and Biology  Springer  
220 1359-4184 Molecular Psychiatry NPG  
221 0028-0836 Nature NPG  
222 1061-4036 Nature Genetics NPG  
223 1529-2908 Nature Immunology NPG  
224 1078-8956 Nature Medicine NPG  
225 1548-7091 Nature Methods NPG  
226 1097-6256 Nature Neuroscience NPG  
227 1474-1733 Nature Reviews Immunology NPG  
228 0931-0509 Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation Oxford Journal  
229 1053-8119 Neuroimage Elsevier  
230 0028-3878 Neurology LWW  
231 0896-6273 Neuron Cell Press  
232 0959-4965 Neuroreport LWW  
233 0306-4522 Neuroscience Elsevier  
234 0304-3940 Neuroscience Letters Elsevier  
235 0148-396X Neurosurgery LWW  
236 0028-4793 New England Journal of Medicine MMS  
237 0305-1048 Nucleic Acids Research Oxford Free
238 1441-0745 Nursing & Health Sciences Wiley-Blackwell  
239 0969-7330 Nursing Ethics Sage 講座購入
240 0029-6554 Nursing Outlook Elsevier  
241 0029-6562 Nursing Research LWW  
242 0029-7844 Obstetrics and Gynecology LWW  
243 0950-9232 Oncogene NPG  
244 0161-6420 Ophthalmology Elsevier  
245 1079-2104 Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology Elsevier  
246 1063-4584 Osteoarthritis and Cartilage  Elsevier  
247 0194-5998 Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Sage  
248 0304-3959 Pain Elsevier  
249 1155-5645 Pediatric Anesthesia Wiley-Blackwell  
250 0031-3998 Pediatric Research NPG  
251 0031-4005 Pediatrics  The society  
252 0031-6768 Pflugers Archives Springer  
253 0031-9023 Physical therapy  APTA 講座購入
254 0031-9228 Physics today   AIP 講座購入
255 0027-8424 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA The society  
256 0165-1781 Psychiatry Research Elsevier  
257 0340-0727 Psychological research Springer  
258 0737-1209 Public Health Nursing Wiley-Blackwell  
259 0033-8419 Radiology The society  
260 0954-6111 Respiratory Medicine Elsevier  
261 1462-0324 Rheumatology Oxford 講座購入
262 0300-0729 Rhinology Rhinology International  
263 0355-3140 Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health The society Printのみ
264 0586-7614 Schizophrenia Bulletin Oxford  
265 0036-8075 Science AAAS  
266 0037-198X Seminars in Roentgenology Elsevier  
267 0887-2171 Seminars in Ultrasound CT and MRI Elsevier  
268 1073-2322 Shock LWW  
269 0362-2436 Spine LWW 講座購入
270 1066-5099 Stem Cells Wiley-Blackwell 講座購入
271 0039-2499 Stroke LWW  
272 0039-6060 Surgery Elsevier  
273 0930-1038 Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy Springer  
274 1530-4515 Surgical laparoscopy, endoscopy & percutaneous techniques LWW 講座購入
275 0040-6376 Thorax BMJ  
276 0962-8924 Trends in Cell Biology Elsevier  
277 1364-6613 Trends in Cognitive Sciences Elsevier  
278 1471-4906 Trends in Immunology Elsevier  
279 1471-4914 Trends in Molecular Medicine Elsevier  
280 0166-2236 Trends in Neurosciences Elsevier  
281 0041-624X Ultrasonics Elsevier  
282 1350-4177 Ultrasonics Sonochemistry Elsevier  
283 0090-4295 Urology Elsevier  
284 0264-410X Vaccine Elsevier  
285 0945-6317 Virchows Archiv : Pathological Anatomy and Histology Springer  
286 0042-6822 Virology Elsevier  
287 0168-1702 Virus Research Elsevier  
288 1878-8750 World Neurosurgery  Elsevier  
No. ISSN 雑誌名 出版社 備考
1 0001-690X Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica & Suppl Wiley-Blackwell  
2 0002-9297 American Journal of Human Genetics Cell Press  
3 0002-936X American Journal of Nursing LWW  
4 0363-6143 American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology The society  
5 0193-1849 American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism The society  
6 0363-6119 American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology The society  
7 0363-6127 American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology The society  
8 0002-953X American Journal of Psychiatry The society  
9 0003-276X Anatomical Record Wiley-Blackwell  
10 0077-8923 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Wiley-Blackwell  
11 0066-4154 Annual Review of Biochemistry Annual Reviews  
12 1081-0706 Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology Annual Reviews  
13 0066-4197 Annual Review of Genetics Annual Reviews  
14 0732-0582 Annual Review of Immunology Annual Reviews  
15 0362-1642 Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology Annual Reviews  
16 0066-4278 Annual Review of Physiology Annual Reviews  
17 0888-4080 Applied cognitive psychology Wiley  
18 0003-9985 Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine CAP  
19 1943-3921 Attention, Perception & Psychophysics Springer  
20 1554-8627 Autophagy Landes Bioscience  
21 0264-6021 Biochemical Journal Portland Press  
22 1083-8791 Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation Elsevier  
23 0006-3363 Biology of Reproduction Society for the Study ・・・  
24 0006-3495 Biophysical Journal Cell Press  
25 0006-4971 Blood The society  
26 1471-2407 BMC Cancer BMC  
27 1767-790X BMJ Case Reports BMJ  
28 0268-3369 Bone Marrow Transplantation NPG  
29 0306-5251 British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Wiley-Blackwell  
30 0007-1048 British Journal of Haematology Wiley-Blackwell  
31 1055-9965 Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention HighWire(AACR)  
32 1347-9032 Cancer Science Wiley-Blackwell  
33 0008-6363 Cardiovascular Research Oxford  
34 1350-9047 Cell Death and Differentiation Nature Publishing Group  
35 1931-3128 Cell Host and Microbe Cell Press  
36 1934-5909 Cell Stem Cell Cell Press  
37 1942-325X Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics American Heart Association  
38 1941-3289 Circulation:Heart Failure LWW  
39 0897-3806 Clinical Anatomy Wiley-Blackwell  
40 1058-4838 Clinical Infectious Diseases Oxford  
41 0009-9236 Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics NPG  
42 1740-7745 Clinical Trials SAGE  
43 1555-4309 Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging Wiley-Blackwell  
44 1466-609X Critical Care BMC  
45 0268-4705 Current Opinion in Cardiology LWW  
46 0012-1592 Development, Growth & Differentiation Wiley-Blackwell  
47 1534-5807 Developmental Cell Cell Press  
48 0013-726X Endoscopy Thieme  
49 0014-2980 European Journal of Immunology Wiley-Blackwell  
50 1367-6539 Evidence Based Nursing BMJ  
51 0892-6638 FASEB Journal The society  
52 1742-464X FEBS Journal Wiley-Blackwell  
53 0969-7128 Gene Therapy NPG  
54 0894-1491 Glia Wiley-Blackwell  
55 1043-0342 Human Gene Therapy Mary Ann Liebert  
56 0105-2896 Immunological Reviews Wiley-Blackwell  
57 0899-823X Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology UCP  
58 0020-7136 International Journal of Cancer Wiley-Blackwell  
59 1478-5951 International Journal of Medical Robotics + Computer Assisted Surgery Wiley-Blackwell  
60 0882-2786 International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants Quintessence Pub  
61 0020-8132 International Nursing Review Wiley-Blackwell  
62 1098-7886 Journal for Nurses in Staff Development LWW  
63 1387-2877 Journal of Alzheimer's Disease IOS Press  
64 0021-8782 Journal of Anatomy Wiley-Blackwell  
65 0021-9525 Journal of Cell Biology RockfellerUP  
66 0271-678X Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism NPG  
67 0021-972X Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism The society  
68 0962-1067 Journal of Clinical Nursing Wiley-Blackwell  
69 0021-9967 Journal of Comparative Neurology Wiley-Blackwell  
70 0143-005X Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health BMJ  
71 0096-3445 Journal of Experimental Psychology: General American Psychological Association  
72 0096-1523 Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance American Psychological Association  
73 0278-7393 Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition American Psychological Association  
74 0815-9319 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Wiley-Blackwell  
75 0022-1295 Journal of General Physiology RockfellerUP  
76 0950-9240 Journal of Human Hypertension NPG  
77 0022-1767 Journal of Immunology The society  
78 0022-1899 Journal of Infectious Diseases Oxford  
79 0027-8874 Journal of National Cancer Institute Oxford  
80 0022-3050 Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry BMJ  
81 0022-3077 Journal of Neurophysiology The society  
82 0360-4012 Journal of Neuroscience Research Wiley-Blackwell  
83 0002-0443 Journal of Nursing Administration LWW  
84 0148-4834 Journal of Nursing Education  Slack  
85 0884-2175 Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing Wiley-Blackwell  
86 0148-6071 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Sage(ASPEN)  
87 0022-3565 Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics The society  
88 0890-8567 Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Elsevier  
89 1936-878X Journal of the American College of Cardiology: Cardiovascular Imaging Am. Co. of Cardiology F.  
90 0002-8177 Journal of the American Dental Association The society  
91 1046-6673 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology American Society of Nephrology  
92 0022-538X Journal of Virology American Society for Microbiology  
93 0023-6837 Laboratory Investigation NPG  
94 0887-6924 Leukemia NPG  
95 0361-929X MCN LWW  
96 0090-502X Memory & cognition Springer  
97 0076-6879 Methods in Enzymology Elsevier  
98 1535-9476 Molecular and Cellular Proteomics ASBMB  
99 1535-7163 Molecular Cancer Therapeutics HighWire(AACR)  
100 1097-2765 Molecular Cell Cell Press  
101 0888-8809 Molecular Endocrinology The society  
102 1087-0156 Nature Biotechnology NPG  
103 1465-7392 Nature Cell Biology NPG  
104 1755-4330 Nature Chemistry NPG  
105 1474-175X Nature Reviews Cancer NPG  
106 1474-1776 Nature Reviews Drug Discovery NPG  
107 1759-5045 Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology nature pubjishing group  
108 1471-0056 Nature Reviews Genetics NPG  
109 1471-0072 Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology NPG  
110 1471-003X Nature Reviews Neuroscience nature publishing group  
111 1545-9985 Nature Structural & Molecular Biology NPG  
112 0174-304X Neuropediatrics Thieme  
113 0893-133X Neuropsychopharmacology NPG  
114 0952-3480 NMR in Biomedicine Wiley-Blackwell  
115 0746-1739 Nursing Economics Jannetti Pub  
116 1536-5026 Nursing Education Perspectives NLN  
117 1320-7881 Nursing Inquiry Wiley-Blackwell  
118 0744-6314 Nursing Management LWW  
119 1466-7681 Nursing Philosophy Wiley-Blackwell  
120 0029-6570 Nursing Standard RCN  
121 0029-6643 Nutrition Reviews Wiley-Blackwell  
122 1545-5009 Pediatric Blood & Cancer Wiley-Blackwell  
123 0097-9805 Pediatric Nursing Jannetti Pub  
124 0031-6997 Pharmacological Review The society  
125 0031-9333 Physiological Reviews The society  
126 1615-9853 Proteomics Wiley-Blackwell  
127 0033-295X Psychological Review Elsevier  
128 0956-7976 Psychological Science SAGE  
129 1069-9384 Psychonomic bulletin & review  Springer  
130 0160-6891 Research in Nursing & Health Wiley-Blackwell  
131 0025-7931 Respiration Karger  
132 0036-5548 Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases Taylor & Francis  
133 0036-8733 Scientific American NPG  
134 0161-8105 Sleep Professional Sleep Society  
135 0964-4563 Tobacco Control BMJ  
136 1398-9219 Traffic Wiley-Blackwell  
137 0041-1132 Transfusion Wiley-Blackwell