We enjoyed discussion on neurochemistry research and visiting beautiful cities in Portugal.
Koyama-sensei's last lecture(2020.12.4)
Welcome and Farewell party(2019.12.4)
Zakiyyah from Malaysia joined our lab and Takahiro moved to Augusta, USA.
All graduate students presented their posters and enjoyed Montréal so much!
Dr. Hayashi talked at the Young Investigator Colloquium (left) and Kenny presented a poster (right).
Farewell party for Lea-san(2018.8.2)
Lea-san came to Japan as a summer student from the Univ. Santo Tomas, Phillipines.We had a pleasant time!
Prof. Hitoshi held a syposium at the ISN-ESN meeting regarding the adult neurogenesis.
Celebration for Kuroda-san(2017.4.28)
Kuroda-san finally got MD! We enjoyed delicious food and sake @Fushimi, Kyoto.
SRC FASEB Conference@Snowmass(2016.8.7-11)
KLF/Sp Conference was held @Snowmass in the Rocky Mountains. It's a beautiful resort and we, of course, enjoyed hiking and a short trip.
Wellcome party for Morimura-san(2016.7.27)
Morimura-san (center-front) joined our lab.
Japan Neuroscience Society meeting(2016.7.20-22)
Kenny presented a poster.
Wedding party of Dr. Hayashi(2016.3.5)
Yoshitaka and Saori at the center. Congratulations!!