Staff and specialities
Professor: Masaji TANI (General and Gastrointestinal Surgery)
Associate Professor: Hiroya IIDA (Gastrointestinal Surgery)
Associate Professor: Tsuyoshi YAMAGUCHI (Gastrointestinal Surgery)
Associate Professor: Toru MIYAKE (Gastrointestinal Surgery)
Senior Assistant Professor: Sachiko KAIDA (Gastrointestinal Surgery)
Assistant Professor: Ken ISHIKAWA (Gastrointestinal Surgery)
Assistant Professor: Tomoyuki UEKI (Gastrointestinal Surgery)
Assistant Professor: Sachiko SAKAI (Pediatric Surgery)
Assistant Professor: Masatsugu KOJIMA (Gastrointestinal Surgery)
Assistant Professor: Hiromitsu MAEHIRA (Gastrointestinal Surgery)
Assistant Professor: Katsushi TAKEBAYASHI (Gastrointestinal Surgery)
Outline of the department
Gastrointestinal surgery covers the digestive tract and hepato-biliary-pancreatic surgery. Many leading operations using new techniques have been applied since quite early in this division, especially ileocolon or jejunal pouch interposition after total gastrectomy, pylorus preserving subtotal gastrectomy, pylorus preserving pancreatic duodenectomy, super low anterior dissection for rectal cancer that avoids stoma. Laparoscopic surgery is introducing actively as a minimal invasive surgery in recent years. We have tried to select more appropriate therapy including surgical and/or chemo-radio therapy according to a degree of a cancer progression as for the malignant tumors.
General Surgery covers mainly breast, retro peritoneal or intraabdominal tumors and several diseases that a surgeon must be known generally (ex. inguinal herniation, hemorrhoid, subcutaneous tumor, etc).
Regarding the breast cancer, mastectomy with lymph node dissection has been indicated to the advanced cases. Recently, breast preserving operation with wide resection of tumor, which aimed for the cosmetic beauty, or trial of reserving the level of lymph node dissection on the basis of the diagnosis of sentinel lymph nodes biopsy is carried out to the cases of the early stage breast cancer. In addition, the number of the reconstraction after mastectomy is increasing.
This subdivision provide for the resident supervised surgical training, which encourages gradual development of clinical and operative skills. At the end of the postgraduate program in General Surgery, the resident should be a competent clinical surgeon who is qualified to practice in a variety of clinical settings.
We are also actively incorporating it into cancer genome medical care.