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Author Title Year Fiches Order No.
Broeckx, C. Encore un mot sur l'invention du forceps. Malines 1848 1 MB-26/1
Roesslin, E. The byrth of mankynde, otherwyse named the Womans booke. London 1545 7 M-163/2
Roesslin, E. The byrth of mankynde, otherwyse named the Womans Booke. London 1560 5 M-397/2
Roesslin, E. The byrth of mankynde, otherwyse named the Womans booke. London 1565 6 M-398/2
Roesslin, E. Der swangern frawern ...Hagenau 1513 7 M-162/2
[Spigelius, A.]. Spieghel, A. van der. Buchlein Von der frucht in Mutter-Leibe Oder Ander Theil. Franckfurt am Mayn 1656 1 MB-148/1
Viardel, C. Observations svr la Pratiqve des Acovchemens natvrels contre Natvre et monstrevx. Ed.2. Paris 1674 5 MB-212/1