
Sachiko Tanaka >>

Mikiko Ito

Mikiko Ito

Professor, Department of Public Health Nursing
1. A study about symbiosis between impaired elderly people requiring assistants and their family caregiver
2. Long-term prognosis of people living with chronic illness and effective life skills for their living


Ph.D. in Health Science, 1998
Univ. of Tokyo, Graduate School of Medicine, Dep. of Health Science and Nursing, Tokyo, JAPAN
B.A. in Nursing, Univ. of Chiba, JAPAN, 1992

【Work Experience】

Assistant Professor, Osaka University School of Medicine, Faculty of health Sciences, Dep. of Health Promotion Science, JAPAN, 1997, Lecturer 1998-2003, Associate Professor, 2003-2015
Research student at Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology, Tokyo, JAPAN 1995-1996
Public Health Nurse, Health center of Matsudo city, Chiba, JAPAN, 1993-1994


My research kyewords are long-term prognosis, life slill, social supports, and empowerment


1. Keiko Sugiura, Mikiko Ito, Masami Kutsumi, Hiroshi Mikami: Gender Differences in Spousal Caregiving in Japan. Journal of Gerontology: Social Science, 64B(1), 147-156,

2. Tomoko Omiya, Mikiko Ito, Yoshihiko Yamazaki: Disclosure of congenital cleft lip and palate to Japanese patients: reported patient experiences and relationship to self-esteem. BMC Research Notes, 7:924, 2014

3. Eri Moriguchi , Mikiko Ito, Toshisaburo Nagai: Verification of the Reliability and Validity of a Japanese Version of the Quality of Life in Childhood Epilepsy Questionnaire (QOLCE-J). Brain & Development, 37(10) , 933-942, 2015

4. Kazue Sakakibara, Mai Kabayama and Mikiko Ito: Experiences of “endless” caregiving of impaired elderly at home by family caregivers: a qualitative study BMC research note. 8:827, 2015

5. Disclosure of congenital cleft lip and palate to Japanese patients: reported patient experiences and relationship to self-esteem. Haemophilia, 19(6), 876–881, 2013
