
Yataro Daigo >>

Kiyoshi Murata

Kiyoshi Murata

Professor, Department of Radiology
1. Research for development of a new diagnostic chest imaging
2. Research for imaging of lung tumors
3. Research with HRCT for diffuse lung diseases


1978 Graduate school,Division of Medical Science, Kyoto University
1986 Postgraduate course of Medicine, Kyoto University
1988 Staff, Radiology Department, Shiga University of medical Science


I would like to discuss on the recent advances in diagnostic imaging and their application to evaluation of morphological and functional changes in various diseases.


1. Images acquired using 320-MDCT with adaptive iterative dose reduction with wide-volume acquisition: visual evaluation of image quality by 10 radiologists using an abdominal phantom Nitta N, Ikeda M, Sonoda A, Nagatani Y, Ohta S, Takahashi M, Murata K American journal of roentgenology 202(1) 2-12, 2014

2. Asialoerythropoietin ameliorates bleomycin-induced acute lung injury in rabbits by reducing inflammation Sonoda A, Nitta N, Tsuchiya K, Otani H, Watanabe S, Mukaisho K, Tomozawa Y, Nagatani Y, Ohta S, Takahashi M, Murata K Experimental and therapeutic medicine 8(5) 1443-1446, 2014

3. 320-detector-row computed tomography arteriography using CO2 gas to detect malignant liver tumors. Sonoda A, Nitta N, Ushio N, Nitta-Seko A, Tomozawa Y, Watanabe S, Ohta S, Takahashi M, Murata K. Minimally invasive therapy and allied technologies 22(2) 89-96, 2013
