第29回国際高血圧学会 Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension(ISH 2022)が 2022年10月12~16日、京都で開催され、NCD疫学研究センターからは 予防医学部門・三浦克之教授、最先端疫学部門・矢野裕一朗教授が ChairやInvited Speakerとして多くのセッションに参加しました。
また、本センターから多くの教員、大学院生が参加し、口頭発表2件(大学院4年:Sabrina Ahmedさん、同:北岡かおりさん)、ポスター発表2件(岡見 雪子先生、大学院4年:Nazar Mohammad Azaharさん)がおこなわれました。
The 29th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) took place in the beautiful city of Kyoto, Japan 2022 from the 12th to 16th of October. The aim of this meeting was to study and treat hypertension to foster intensive discussions and facilitate further development in the related fields. Professors, faculties, and graduate students from the NCD Epidemiology Research Center (NERC), Shiga University of Medical Science joined this event. There were four presentations made by the graduate students and faculties. Two oral presentations by Dr. Kaori Kitaoka and Dr. Sabrina Ahmed, and two poster presentations by Dr. Yukiko Okami and Md. Nazar Mohammad Azahar. Furthermore, Prof. Katsuyuki Miura, Director, of NERC, and Prof. Yuichiro Yano, Head, Department of Advanced Epidemiology, NERC attended numerous sessions as Chairs and Invited Speakers. It was an amazing experience and an opportunity to learn about diverse and extensive scientific programs related to hypertension research. Some glimpses of ISH 2022 event attached herewith.
ISH 2022 KYOTO 参加の一部をご紹介します。 |
博士課程リーディング大学院の卒業生も会場で顔を合わせました。 |